

concluding your pumpkin + cutie fill

Because I know that between facebook, instagram, and blogs you can never see too many pictures of cute kids and pumpkins. Here’s mine.
Texas problem #1 – Halloween pumpkin will rot in hot car before you get a chance to carve it because you accidentally left it in there all weekend waiting to be carved for FHE. You will still carve it because your son had his heart set on having a Thomas Pumpkin, but it will stink and there will be no eating baked pumpkin seeds.
By the way, Happy November!! I am determined to do at least one homemade Christmas decoration this year and LOTs of fun holiday crafts with Atlas. If you have any fun, unique & creative suggestions suited for a three year old (Christ centered would be best fantastic) let me know!
p.s. just saw this quote I’ve now got stuck in my head:

“My life is my message”

-Mahatma Gandhi

1 comment:

  1. Hey I just found your blog! It's adorable!
    Greetings from Munich, Germany
