

Urban Liona at 6 Months Old

  • Loves cruisin around the house in her walker. Went the furthest ever yesterday. I was completely shocked to turn around while making dinner, after having left her in the living room, she was right there smiling up at me in the kitchen doorway! Sneaky. The look on Urban's face when she realizes that she has taken herself somewhere, its pure wonder and joy. The independence, the excitement, the fun, she absolutely loves it. Her arms up and flailing as she runs crookedly. Sometimes she gets so excited as she is heading strait for me, but then with a slightly off push of her little feet the walker starts heading the wrong way, yet her head turns to continue facing me and smiling as her body confusedly goes the other way. Yesterday I was trying to get her to cone to me with air kisses and baby talk, then atlas jumped into the game in a different direction and started calling Urban to him. She got soooooo excited, looked back and forth between me and atlas. Then went strait to atlas! When she got there he gave her a kiss. Mike and I both melted inside.
  • Really great at sitting up. Can sit unassisted for about ten seconds after being balanced. Likes the bumbo.
  • Loves Sophie the vullie giraffe. Specifically, Sophie's feet....I guess those are hoofs...
  • Enjoys looking out the window.
  • Loves sitting in the bottom seat of the stroller.
  • Adores looking in the mirror.
  • Still loves ceiling fans.
  • Loves sitting in her bath seat and is filled with awe when water falls from a cup.
  • Grabs EVERYTHING. Its so precious how excited she gets when her little fingers are reaching, streeeetching for whatever is juuuust out of her reach.
  • Is very patient and sometimes even giggly when her brother gets rough with her.
  • Fits best in size 9 clothes
  • Lights up when she receives attention, even if its just making  eye contact.
  • Puts herself to sleep after a nice little session of being rocked and lovingly sang to.
  • Waves her arms in excitement, nor knowing what to do with them.
  • Still absolutely must be burped after eating. Unburped Urban is unhappy Urban.
  • Loves suckin those little toesies
  • No longer wants her arms swaddled

Urban Liona. 5 Months Old.

  • Is so vocal when she wants attention or is having fun with a toy. Does these really adorable, really high pitched and loud screams.
  • Loves flying like an airplane above mommy and daddy.
  • Sometimes she will just lay in her crib happy screaming screaming and laughing at herself, often playing with her feet.
  • Loves playing with her feet and sucking on her toes.
  • Has 7 arm notches
  • Chooses to only roll over when no one is watching. Has apparently rolled both front to back and back to front.
  • Loves to pull her brother’s hair out (literally) and he LOVES when she does even more than she loves pulling it out (I’m serious)
  • Cranes her very strong neck around when she wants to see something that she is turned away from. Will stop at nothing.
  • Recognizes when she is about to be tickled and gets excited.
  • More ticklish every month! She is most ticklish on her neck and the sides of her tummy.
  • Officially does not fit in her soft foldable bathtub in the sink anymore. Sadly for all of us. Mommy breaks her back leaning over the bathtub now, and baby hates laying down in the bathtub. We need to figure out a new system…
  • Hair has gotten somewhat “wispy”. There is ONE strand that is much, much longer than the rest. Right smack in the middle of the top of her head.
  • 95th percentile for weight. 90th for height. And 97th for head! Big girl!
  • Still has a very soft cry. We often will think she is just fussing and making noises trying to fall asleep, so we let her be, then we go up to find that she has tears streaming down. Sad but sweet because she will get to that point without ever letting out a “normal” baby cry.


The Grass is Soft

After many beautifully pleasant winters in California, and now yet another amazing winter but now in Texas, I'm pretty sure I officially could never survive living somewhere cold again. We are perfectly happy with year round basking in the sun and strolls through the park.
Atlas has had a fever most of this week, and of course this has been the most beautifully week yet! So when it said 80degrees yesterday we loaded up the fever reducer and headed for the park anyways! Sad when we realized that all of our shoes had been locked in our closet with no key...so we decided to pack up the toys and books and hang out in the middle of the grassy soccer field. It was nice being at the park but not the playground. And there was no one else around so we didn't have to worry about spreading our germs.
As wonderful as this park is with all of the different play structures, ponds, exercise equipment, walking and running trails, ducks, I think my favorite may be how well kept and soft this field of grass is! When is the last time you walked barefoot in the grass and felt like you were stepping on feathers? Yeah.
Urban had this adorable little happy face the entire walk there! She was having a ball sitting in the bottom!
Now cross your fingers that this post actually works and looks ok, its from my phone yeah!