

Urban Liona Lately. Four Months Old.

Also wrote this one and took the pix in the beginning of December, all I needed to do was add the pictures! Funny how small things can make me feel all tied up and keep me from progressing (pretty sure there is a life lesson here that I should be catching onto….). So here is Urban’s four-month-old post, while I am just about to start working on her five month old post…ha!

This stripe-ey cutie patootie is four months old!

I think the phrase “They grow up so/too fast!” is the most overused phrase in the world that I just cannot stop saying….

Here are a few things my little four month-er has been up to….

  • Has discovered, and loves her tiny tongue! She usually sticks it out in the middle of a big tickle. And always has it happily hanging out when I find her awake in her crib in the morning/after naps. Its also a little game we play- I stick mine out, she sticks hers out, then we laugh. I actually find it very touching as silly as it sounds….I just feel that its our first intelligent communication…..oh geeze….
  • She is all about putting those little hands in her mouth. Slobbery-like.
  • Mohawk is almost completely gone. This is actually quite depressing for me. Because I think her mohawk was perfectly adorable in its symmetrical perfection. There were several times people commented that they thought it was cute that I would always style her hair into a ‘hawk, little did they know how naturally PERFECT she was. That thing would fluff right into place after baths.
  • Loves when her big bro entertains her. Atlas can easily get a giggle and tongue-smile from his baby sis.
  • Rolled over once! Of course, there were no witnesses, however, we are certain she was on her tummy and then several minutes later was not on her tummy.
  • toys in mouth lovin
  • feet holding
  • lights up when she is acknowledged
  • Favorite toy is a flower shaped thing with a mirror in the middle and all different pedals – crinkles, beads, chewy soft, its got it all :).